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Meet the Founder

Lorie Porter

Owner + Creative Director

A designer, whose passion is to create beauty through color, textures, style and design.

Lorraine’s passion is evident in her 30 plus successful years in the Interior and floral design industry. Her love for her family, for creativity and for seeing ways to serve babies and children in a unique retail opportunity is behind her vision of Mustard Seed Littles. 

Married to her best friend, Michael, they have four beautiful daughters, and Nana & Papa to of the cutest and most adorable grandchildren. You will most likely meet & see them modeling our Mustard Seed Collections!

Based in Greenwood, Indiana, our team is so excited and can’t wait to share our styles that were selected with a neutral and cohesive collection in mind. Creating a unique baby and children's boutique and sharing our collections through professional, lifestyle photography. 

We are so excited to share our brand with you and hope you enjoy the cutest styles we’ve selected with love, just for your Littles!

xoxo - The Mustard Seed Littles Team